The classic evangelistic message is: "Repent and follow Jesus!" Repent means to turn around, and follow means to...follow. The Christian Gospel calls us to action, to move in a particular direction. But where are we going, exactly?
Christians in the USA have been stuffed with the message that we are supposed to keep politics and religion separated. This message is fueled by the notion that Christians should concern themselves with "spiritual things" and let the world take care of "earthly things." Hence, the idea that we would physically follow Jesus somewhere in this world is a foreign concept. We simply follow Jesus "in our hearts", whatever that means. It is high time we recognized the lie of this dichotomy and gave it up. Jesus is alive in this world, and He calls us to follow Him. Where in the world, and I do mean "in the world," is He going?
After Jesus was raised from the dead, He told His disciples, "As the Father sent me into the world, so I send you." And then He breathed on them and said, "receive the Holy Spirit." Jesus also declared that "all authority in heaven and on earth" had been given to Him before He ascended to His throne as Lord over the cosmos. Today, Jesus sits at God's right hand, ruling over the nations and waiting for the day when God puts everything under His feet fully and finally. Physically speaking, Jesus isn't going anywhere. He is installed as Lord and sits on His throne. But His work in the world continues in the power of the Holy Spirit in and through His people. As the apostle Paul says,
"We are His workmanship created for good works in Christ." Ephesians 2:10