Jim Beaver needed an escape as he grew up with wounds and hurts. Jim found part of that escape in his music, but still he needed real hope and real life. After struggling for many years, Jim was finally introduced to Jesus and His gift of the Holy Spirit that, in Jim's words, made him realize that "Oh! Jesus is real! This thing is real!" Now Jim still plays music, but not so much for an escape but more for an expression of who He now is in Christ.
I first met Jim when we were both in high school and I was amazed by his guitar skills then, and even more so today. I am thankful that he uses his gifts to celebrate the Kingdom of God. In this podcast, Jim and I reflect on our parallel musical lives, asking the question "How has Jesus changed the way we think about music?" You will also get to hear some of Jim's amazing skills, as well as a sneak peak, live, performance of a song from my upcoming album (scheduled to be released in August 2017,). You can also find my previous album here. Please take a moment to listen, like, comment, and share!
