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Writer's pictureKarl Gessler

The Love of My Lord (New Song)

The most important truth in all the world is also the most difficult to comprehend: God Loves Me. When someone says, "God loves you," we are quick to nod our heads in approval and mental assent, but comprehension is entirely different. When we truly believe God loves us, it changes everything we do, say, and even think. I have become aware that every time I worry and lose my temper, I do not believe that God loves me, accepts me, and will take care of me. I worry, and I overreact because I am panicked. The scripture says,

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."
1 John 4:18

If I truly believe that God forgives my sin, welcomes me into His family, and gives me Himself as an inheritance, I will not fear anything.

This song, "The Love of My Lord" was written by a little-known worship leader and song-writer named Ted Sandquist. I grew up listening to his music through my parent's cassette tapes and records. It is a simple melody that expresses well the simple truth that God really loves you and me. In our travels across the country, we have often sung this song for men and women in rehab centers, most of whom have wounds in their lives inflicted by parents. Because parents represent God to a child, the wounds caused by parents often lead to a child's belief that God does not love them. As we sing this song, that lie is contradicted through the truth that is somehow conveyed more effectively through music. I trust that you will be refreshed as you listen to this melody of God's earnest love for you.

We will be singing this song, again and again, this year. Remember us in your prayers as you listen and pray that the captives will be set free through God's love. Thank you!

--Love in Christ,

Karl Gessler


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6 Kommentare

Arun Kumar
Arun Kumar
24. März 2021

Love this music

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26. März 2021
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Thank you Arun!

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Sergey Pitsenko
Sergey Pitsenko
19. März 2021

Not familiar with this one but love the feel and as always, the harmonies are great. Brings back the goodness of 70s Christian music.

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Sergey Pitsenko
Sergey Pitsenko
19. März 2021
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Ah yes Courts of the King

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