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Your Anointing

God anointed you to cast out demons. Even if you aren't a Christian yet, God designed you to be an extension of His rule and reign. You will never be fully yourself until you walk in the authority you were made to carry.

I've been a deliverance minister for a year now, and people have made many comments about “my” ministry, “my” anointing, “my” calling, “and my” reputation, etc., as a deliverance minister in the past year. This reputation came almost immediately. But I do not have a special anointing to cast out demons. I am simply doing it while others are not. Peter did not have a special anointing to walk on water; he simply got out of the boat while the others watched.

“There is a great harvest out there,” Jesus said to them, “but there are not many workers. So, plead with the Harvest Master to send out workers for the harvest.” Luke 10:2 NTE

Am I more proficient at casting out demons than you are? Maybe a little but for only one simple reason: practice. You will catch up with me quickly if you commit to this one thing: begin the practice of casting out demons. Will you make mistakes? Yes. Will you come against something you don't understand? Yes. Will you feel challenged by your weaknesses? Yes. Will you be doing the work of the Lord and blessing your family, community, and country? Yes, yes, yes, yes! Are you afraid of failure? Get deliverance from that fear as your first assignment. After all, not trying to do the will of God is a failure in itself.

“Without faith, it is impossible to please God,” Hebrews 11:6 NTE

Get off the failing wagon, grab your sickle, and build spiritual muscle to swing it. Deliverance ministry is your calling, anointing, ministry, and duty as a disciple of Christ. Satan’s armies don't sleep; therefore, soldiers of the Truth can't afford to sleep either. Grab your sword and take your place in the battle. Begin with the personal battles and work your way out. You were made for this and all of creation is waiting for you to activate (Romans 8:21-22).

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