"Every child should be a wanted child" is a common refrain from pro-abortion individuals. If a child isn't wanted (so goes the argument), it is better off not born. Underneath this very presumptuous argument is a cry for help. Who would make such an assertion except for someone who felt unwanted and suicidal themselves?
As a team from the Genocide Awareness Project and I prepared for a day of pro-life advocacy on the campus of Northern Kentucky University, we were talking about various objections to the pro-life stance. During our conversation, it struck me that many of the callus students are jealous of the aborted baby. They wish that they had never been born. Does that sound absurd to you? My theory was confirmed to me in overt terms twice during the day:
"I wish my parents had aborted me!" said one young white male wearing gothic jewelry in each ear. "It would have saved me from a whole lot of problems." Another student, a young white woman wearing a strange rope around her chest, black nail polish, and high platform boots, also declared, "I wish my parents had aborted me!"
