People often say, "You get what you pay for." I don't doubt that they are right. But I am still surprised at what people pay for.
I recently joined a volunteer group that entered a college campus to offer free education. We provided a large display of pictures of the subject matter, complete with verified, historical, and scientific data and documents. We offered this educational service at no cost to the students. What did they learn from this free service? I don't know. But I can tell you I learned from their University Campus.

Across from our free display stood a group of 30-50 college students at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, whose tuitions I can only guess amount to tens of thousands of dollars per year. It is not for me to tell other people if their investments are sound. I can only tell you the exemplary counter-arguments these high-paying students articulated to the volunteer educators.
The free education we provided, courtesy of the Center For Bio-Ethical Reform, consisted of the history of genocides with the corresponding arguments for justification. The list of genocides committed throughout history included: Rwanda, Nazi Germany, African-Americans in the Southern United States, among others. We added to the list: the pre-born child. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines genocide as: "the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group." We argue that the targeted cultural group is the pre-born child. In my estimation, this is a pretty, high-level, intellectual argument against the practice of abortion. This kind of thought-provoking argument is what I would expect to receive through a college education.
What kind of intellectually stimulating rebuff did we receive from the paying education customers who opposed our position? I will tell you some of the fascinating arguments that we heard for a literal four hours without pause. Combined with various forms of "booty-shaking," distributing condoms, and lewd gestures, we heard these chants: "More Gay Sex! More Gay Sex!" and "Pre-martial sex! Pre-marital sex!". Some of the protestors wrote essays against our arguments, including the following: "Keep your hands off my pussy!" "Pro-lifers have a shrimp dick!" and "Jesus was a gay liberal." What precisely these arguments had to do with the issue of genocide went over my head. But what do I know? I was only educated at home by my parents for twelve years without any higher learning. I never had the benefit of professional education.
I have to say, as an outsider to the halls of higher learning; I do have difficulty dealing with these arguments. And as my time on the University Campus progressed, I felt more and more out of sorts. The counter-arguments took an even greater form of intensity when the students offered the stimulating rebuffs: "F*** the Kids!", "Kill the Babies!" and "Kill the parents!" I truly stand in awe of university education.

I enjoyed that read. When people suppress the Truth, things get absurd and ugly.