Over the past 8 years, my family and I have traveled thousands and thousands of miles across our great country to sing and display the Gospel in rescue missions, street corners, churches, drug rehab centers and anywhere we can. One of the opportunities that these trips have provided has been meeting various Christians, hearing their testimonies, and discovering that they are indeed our family too. Jesus himself said that “there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times as much at this time and in the age to come..." Luke 18:29-30. We've had the privilege of staying with many folks in their homes and experiencing the reality that we are family in Jesus. On one of our

journeys, we stayed with our brother in Christ, Jason Peters, who was working at that time with the Voice of the Martyrs in Bartlesville Oklahoma. On this most recent trip, we reconnected with Jason, this time in Colorado, where he is now involved in a unique work (Hope Haven Rwanda) involving his whole family in the country of Rwanda. On this week's podcast, Jason introduces me to Susan Hollern who is the founder of Hope Haven Rwanda. I was blessed to meet Susan and to hear her testimony as well as to learn much about Rwanda that I really did not know. Listen to the podcast and click on the link below to find out how you can serve Jesus and even get to know Him more through His people in Rwanda.