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Writer's pictureKarl Gessler

Bridging Generations in Worship

Every generation needs to sing its' song of love to Jesus. But like a new shoot on an old tree, new generations of believers are stronger and more fruitful when they remain connected to the older branches. Alternately, older branches cease to bear fruit if they don't support new growth on their limbs. In recent generations, the bridge between old and new is out, and both generations are the worse for it.

In the house of God, there is no "traditional" or "modern" worship. There is only worship in Spirit and truth. Style is insignificant; a genuine, humble heart of worship is all-important.

I am a rare breed of modern times because I connect with my parents' faith. There is virtually no gap between our faiths and musical expressions of worship. We share an identity, appreciate each other's styles, and are richer for it. I believe this is because I recognize the genuineness of my parent's worship, even if I can see flaws in their thinking or character. My children are bound to see flaws in my thinking and character too. I only hope that they also identify the genuine faith I have. So far, my kids and I enjoy worship together. I think that is a sign of moving in the right direction.

As I write this, I am forty years old. I was born in 1982, yet some of my heart songs were written in the 1960s because I grew up connected to my parent's Christian music. Still, I am also deeply fond of the newest offerings of groups like Maverick City, whose new songs emanate a deep passion for the Lord and faith in His name. Jesus said that the scribe trained in the Kingdom of Heaven brings some things old and new out of the storeroom (Matthew 13:52). My goal as a worship leader is to enter the presence of the Lord through the heart songs of every generation. We must seek to understand each other and build bridges back to one another. The weight of this responsibility lies more heavily on the older generations. But when the older generation fails to show grace to the new, the obligation falls on the younger generations to discover grace directly from Jesus, find their own song, and then turn around and offer a double grace to the previous generation. This is a difficult task, but it is easier to forgive and appreciate others when we understand them. Songs can be a gentle bridge between the generations if sung in the right Spirit.

My mission as a worship leader/artist is to create a space for all generations of Jesus' followers to find warmth and familiarity and to be challenged by a new angle of vision from another era.

The Rock of Ages doesn't change, but the expressions and experiences of the generations do. "Every scribe [or musician] who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his storeroom some things old and something new."

When you attend one of my concerts, this is what you will find. Revivals are not for the young nor the old. Revivals are for generations of people God loves and for the reconciliation between God and man. My Upcoming Concert in North Carolina details: HERE

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