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We Will Not Fear

Writer's picture: Karl GesslerKarl Gessler

Psalm 112 I am not much into conspiracy theory but it could easily be suggested that national and local news programs are sponsored by blood pressure pharmaceutical companies. No matter where you are on the political spectrum, the news will spike you blood pressure. There is much to fear in the world and much to imagine going wrong. But what can we do about it? Jesus was right when he asked the rhetorical question: "who of you by worrying can add a single moment to the length of your life?" But this truth doesn't keep us from worrying. We seem rather dedicated to that worthless and destructive cause. In Psalm 112, the Psalmist tells us "How blessed is the man who fears the Lord...he will never be shaken...he will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is upheld, he will not fear..." How does fearing the Lord translate into having no more fear of anything else? I think the short answer is simply that "fearing" the Lord means having trust in and respect for His sovereignty and giving Him worship accordingly. Whatever happens, God sees and knows and cares. "His heart is steadfast" implies that our lives may give us reason to fear, it is not as though the psalmists imagines no trial of faith, but our hearts can remain steadfast because we trust in the Lord. The Psalmist concludes his little song by reiterating the consistent hope that we find throughout Israel's scriptures that the God-fearing will ultimately be vindicated and delivered from suffering while the wicked will ultimately be found out and will perish. Hence, "How blessed is the man who fears the Lord", because he will ultimately be delivered and vindicated. We who live on this side of the resurrection can rejoice and be assured of the promised vindication even more. The gift of the Holy Spirit in the present comforts us in the present and assures us of vindication and resurrection in the future. So "have no fear, little flock, the Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom." Luke 12:32

We Will Not Fear

My newest album recording project was built around this Psalm. If you would like to attend my CD Release party on Saturday September 2, 2017 @ 6:30, simply send an email to and let us know that you are coming. The concert will be held at The Refuge Prayer House 1359 Cane Creel Rd. Flecther, NC.

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